Microsoft Excel: Multiply mileage based on location


1.       Based on Location (Location1 or Location2), then dividing Total Odometer Miles by the the designated Location Round Trip Mileage (In this example, Location1=48; Location2=58) to get approximate loads

 In this example L is the location column. Using the $ sign behind the L makes excel look at the column and go down through each row. 



2.       Based on Location (Location1 or Location2), multiplying the given loads by the designated Location Round Trip Mileage (In this example, Location1=46; Location2=56) by Loads, we will call this Estimated Trip Mileage. [Estimated Trip mileage can be used to estimate the number of loads; this is specific to the task at hand] Then subtracting the Total Odometer Miles by Estimated Trip Mileage to get the remaining mileage.


(Not complete; still needs editing to make it make more sense)
